Lunar Crater Herschel in Darkness | January, 24, 2018

Lunar Crater Herschel in Darkness
January, 24, 2018
Camera ZWO ASI120MM-S
Barlow 2.5X GSO
Telescope Celestron NexStar 5″ XLT
Mount EQ3-2 Goto
AutoStakkert +PTGui + Photoshop
Frames captured=700
Gain=3 (3%)
Sensor temperature=16.2 °C
Herschel (lunar crater)
Herschel is a lunar impact crater located just to the north of the walled plain Ptolemaeus. They are one of three named after a Herschel on the Moon and being one of three craters in the solar system named after the famed astronomer William Herschel.
Its diameter is 41 km long and is 3,800 meters deep. Also, the area is around 1,250 km² and the perimeter is around 130 km.